Monday, January 27, 2020

Partnerships in Healthcare

Partnerships in Healthcare The partnership is a formal official arrangement of entities and or individuals to work together. The partnership importantly helps to find the problem and to solve the problems in local communities. So, the partnership can be defined as an arrangement where entities and individuals agree to work together to achieve a common goal. So it is also define as relationship which exists between two or more persons joined to perfume a trade or business. The successful and effective partnership always should have some of the key characteristics. It should have effective vision and leaderships and there should be strong willingness to learn and listen among the partnership. It should have enough resources to succed.other key characteristics can also be the capacity of strangely development, evalution and review of the strategy implemented to successfully work together in partnership. The key elements required for a successful health care partnership are promotion, prevention, cure, support and rehabilitation. Any partnership to be effective interaction at the same time, the partnership in health care should be addressing acceptable and appropriate residents needs. In common practice, the partnership is degree of integration depends on the nature and the purposed aim .the key features are;- 1) Communication;-each involved entity should be well informed about the action. 2) Co-ordination;-the partner can works separate but each others action should always be co-ordinated. 3) Collaboration;-the partner should cohesively work together. 4) Integration;-though they are the partners but they still should work together as one agency. There are different levels of integration of partnership so, the partnership and its continuum differs from individual service user to government level. It also differs from operational through strategic to policy level. The vertical to horizontal integration within or between the same or different agencies and the less integrated partnership through co-ordinated and fully integrated can also be other way of integrating any partnerships to work toward a common motive. The health and social care sector implements different level of integration in partnership. The partnership and its collaboration are highly influenced by the policy. The recent government policys set out by the government for health and social care agencies to work together more effectively in partnership and in collaboration help agencies to bring considerable benefits to services, there users and the wider community. According to search policies the health and social care sectors are required to work in partnership t o address the wider issues of health and social care like poverty, employment, poor housing and poor educational opportunities. So the common agenda of partnership and its collaboration in health and social care is policy driven joined up thinking and joined up working. for example;-a health and social care partnership called every child matters.(DFES2004;9)states that the joint up working enables the progress of improving health of young people in care and educational improvement of young children. So it is a very crucial factor for government and its policy for various organisations to work in partnership to achieve the set slandered and goal. The governments priority becomes organisation, joint of thinking and joint up working .the more and effectively organisation work in partnership, the better the outcome. So it is always an interest of government to set common goals and objectives for partnership. The partnership in health and social care in even more crucial so the government always emphasizes the organisation involved in this sector to work as a team and come as joint up thinking working to serve the community better. The housing, education, family, social care and health are main sectors in which the government has always priorities the effective joint up working and thinking in partnership. TYPES OF PARTNERSHIPS AND OBJECTIVE:- Partnership between two public authorities. Partnership between public authorities and communities. Development partnership. International association partnerships. A partnership is normally associates multi parties involved so it always is;- Multidisciplinary Multiprofessional Multisectoral Multidisciplinary;-a multidisciplinary types of partnership involves various entities from the same sector working independently to achieve a common purpose. In the case of health and social care sector, the nurses,doctors,midwifes,physiotherapists and occupation therapists work together with clients and this sort of partnership is called multidisciplinary partnership. Multiprofessional;-another partnership called multiprofessional in which is many professional like nurses, doctors, and pharmacists together to achieve some common goals in health and care sectors. Multispectral;-sect oral partnership, many organisations from different sectors of the society work together but independently. For example;-a nurse from a sector of health assists people without basis health factors to know about AIDS, cancer etc.similarly a worker from housing sector helps homeless people to realise the risk of disease as a homeless and assists them accordingly to get some basis housing facilities. In another partnership called inter partnership different entities or organisations work together in a collaborative way for a common purpose. The open referral systems and self referral processes for example;-a telephone health line types of strategies are used in this partnership. The interdisciplinary partnership involves the role definition sessions which means nurses, social workers and housing officers jointly assess the housing requirement of a client and the outcome help for effective housing arrangements. Inter-professional partnerships involve various professional working together by exchanging and sharing information which help them to act. According to clients situation. This partnership involves various stages of interactions. In the case of health and social care, schools teachers from education sector, nurses from health sectors, parents and students as clients from public sector, social workers from assistance in the government sector work together to design various income support programmes to enable kids in school get proper meals, better education and necessary health support. So in summary, if the partnership from different sector of society works separately and indepently achieve a common purpose then it is called multidisciplinary partnership. It involves multisectoral and multiprofessional types of partnerships. If partnership from different sectors of society work interdependently together for a common goal then it becomes interdisciplinary partnership. The interprofessional, intersectoral are its types. We can further categorise, a partnership to intrapartnership which can also be categorised as interdisciplinary and intrasectroal.if entities from or within a same domains work collaboratively for common goal, then it called intra partnership. If the nurses from practice and educational sectors work together to design a programme for new aspiring nursing students for the best opportunity, then it becomes extraprofessional partnership in health and social sector. Similarly if nurses,physiotherapist,pharmaciest,doctors from same health sector work together to develop a programme which will help patients to access health care facilities from home, then its called intra-sectoral partnership. So intradepending working partners from same domains for a common goal has interdisciplinary, intrasecto ral and intraprofessional sub types. CHARACTERISTIC OF PARTNERSHIP:- The common characteristics of any partnership establish common purpose. The definition of partnership should be clear among partners and there should be a respect as a valued partner. The expectation of any partners normally is that every one work as a team and should work towards objectives of the organisation. The information has to be communicated effectively among all the partners, the partnership to be successful it should have some well defined objective and well strategies .so any types of partnership (separate organisation, virtual organation, co-locating staff from partner organisation and steering group without aedicated staff resources) whichever model it can be, should be capable of communicating and implementing the strategies effectively. The managed clinical networks. Managed care network and obligate network in NHS and social care in Scotland and Wales have been some good practice of effective partnership in health and social care sector in the UK. The obligate networks have been succefully working in the partnership among clinical support networks between rural and remote areas and larger centres. Such partnerships have increased access to care patient safety, and improved working relationship in the areas. For example-mental health, learning disabilities some specific region of the UK. The lined group of primary, secondary and territory health care professionals have been successfully formed as partners to provide high quality OF clinical networks. These types of networks have reached effectively beyond health sector, even the horizontal integration of various care agencies have been able to provide high quality health and care service by forming managed clinical networks. As the expectation of public is raising and the personal needs are complex, so the health and social care networks in the future will be multi agency collaborations various partner organisation. So, the partnership is always successful and effective if two or more independent bodies work collectively to achieve more effective outcomes then they could have it if worked separately. So, the objectives of a partnership should be:- To improve service and access. To build capacity in public agencies and skills at workplace capacity building. To make the community stronger and more accountable services. To achieve common goals which also enable to achieve individual companies other objective as well. THE BENEFITS OF PARTNERSHIP (IN THE CASE OF NHS SECTOR) The partnership among different stake holder organisation in the NHS helps to serve the partners and communities better with improved services. it helps to provide quality service at effective cost. The management staffs are better prepared to provide quality service and to meet financial challenges. It overall boosts the morale of staffs and increases the motivation. The employee, employer relations are better and the productivity is increased as well. The ability to adapt the changes accordingly. The joint problem solving environment among partners in NHS enables effective use of resources, innovative productivity. The responsibility of NHS sector for health in the community (The healthy community) is broadened which also in proves publics perception. It helps to gain confidence in health related issues to the involved parties. More opportunities are exposed through shared learning. The development of joint health strategies action plans projects provide lots of new opportunities, the knowledge in the organisation is significantly increased. The case study of down south NHS trust. As the case study explains the importance of partnership among parties involve in the down south NHS trust, the trust has significantly developed its partnership and the goals and objectives of the trust is efficiently achieved. The blue start care home has been a successful partner in the care home sector. The partnerships with trade unions, education institution, care home and almost one thousands staffs of different professions have played key role for the down south NHS trust to be successful in the field. Serving more than two and half thousands patients would not have been successful without the efficient and professional partnership among the stakeholders. As it has been under stood that the trust and confidence are very crucial among partners. When information of service users is known among all the staffs of partner organisation it is very upsetting for the parties involved so, the confidence of information, data protection etc becomes key elements among the partners so the management of the NHS trust should take immediate necessary actions for the confidentiality of information handling of service users. As the down town NHS trust has partnership with others organisation (Care centres) to look after people recovering from strike; then main focus is given only on stroke cases which neglects the other problems then stroke. So, the partners of this project should be taught about identifying other serious symptoms of any other disease (Health problem) and referring them to respective authorities. One of the biggest drawbacks in the bigger partnership organisation is the autonomy of different functional bodies in some decision making as the NHS trust has some partner organisations in every project; the staffs are too much dependable in small decision making problems, so these should be some sort of flexibility in the indecency for staffs from unions and managers while making some daily common issues decision. If flexibility in the dependency is decision making is implemented, the down south NHS will perform even better, if the managers have not to be too dependent while following the care plans, the patients would benefit with fast, efficient and cost effective health care solutions. The decision making process is always very cruicial for any organisation. The right decision right reason at right time is key to the success of any strategy. So, down south NHS trust should follow the rules and giddiness set out by the department of health but it should always not be highly influenced by it while making many decisions locally, most of the situation the management should be able to use some common sense to make decision so, it is strongly advisable to follow the basic rules of department of health but at the same time the mutual trust among the partner invoiced in different projects of down south NHS also becomes important for the success of its projects. So, the down south NHS trusts management should always be very careful at handling of confidential information of partner organisations service users. The trust among partners and service users should be one of key priorities of the down south NHS trust. There should be some flexibility for staffs so they do not have to be too much dependable every time with unions and managers for small day to day decision making procedures .The quicker and easier decision making process helps the trust for smooth and efficient operation of its services. So, in order to be any partnership successful, there should be an agreement of necessity of partnership. There should be respect and trust between different interests, the effective management of organisation should take time to build the partnerships for shared agendas. The projects or expected achievement is possible only through responsible partnership, good communication; collaborative decision-making commitment to achieve objectives of the partnership, another key to success of any partnerships is the leadership. The people who are leaders of a partnerships project should be highly respected individuals with strong leaderships and management skills. So, the leadership and senior management in down south NHS trust should always consider above mentioned crucially important elements for the success of partnerships. The history of various organisations working in partnership have succeeded or failed. As the above mentioned points are the key elements for success so any partnership ignoring these facts are failed. Some of the elements responsible for the failure of any partnerships can be the conflicts among many key interests. If one partner dominates or manipulates then also the partnership can be failed. The lack of defined clear purpose, unrealistic goals, unmatched way of working between goals and objectives are also other key points of partnership failure. The lack of effective communication, transparent and trustworthy working environment among partners are other elements of partnership failure. If key interests are missing between partners and if the financial and time commitments outweigh the targeted benefits then also partnerships are deem to failure. So, in summary, the down south NHS trust has lots of commitments in partnership projects and the mechanism cannot be always very smooth in partnership but the trust management should not neglect any elements those may lead to failure of the partnerships. As cure, support, prevention and rehabilitation are the key essentials of health care projects so down south NHS trust should always consider their key objectives in mind to run successfully the partnership projects. The leadership of down south NHS should always think seriously about handling the personal information of service users and maintaining anything related to service users confidential. The flexibility in some common day to day decision making procedures will enhance the productivity and efficiency of the organisation. So, the management at the down south NHS trust should be flexible enough to implement such mechanisms which will increase the life of their partnership projects. If this is the complete assignment, it has not covered all the questions of the assignment and needs more polishing. The last questions of the assignments are not addresses at all. Do the needful.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Economic role of the government Essay

Economic systems are identified by how they answer the three questions of what, how, and for whom to produce. Similarly, they are theoretical representations of economies found throughout the world that demonstrate the distribution of control between people and the government. The economic systems exist on a continuum, with command economies on one side and the free markets on the other side. The United States has a free market economy but with a notable amount of government intervention, therefore it has a mixed economy. The government acts as a provider and regulator of the United States’ mixed economy through setting legal limits and sensible policies for economic functions for the people. In the United States, decisions are made by individuals acting as participants within the market. The federal, state, and local governments, however, make laws protecting private property and regulating certain areas of business. Practiced in the United States today, capitalism would be best defined as an economic system in which individuals own the factors of production, but decide how to use them within legislated limits. Nearly identical to capitalism, the free enterprise system is another definition for the American economy. The free enterprise system emphasizes that individuals are free to own and control aspects of production, yet expands on the fact that government places legal restrictions on freedom of enterprise. Zoning regulations, child-labor laws, hazardous waste rules, and other regulations limit free enterprise to protect the anticipated entrepreneur and his or her surroundings. When such rules are established, freedom has is boundaries and is considered a privilege. Consumers in a market economy have the advantage of being able to choose among products. Contrasting to freedom of enterprise, freedom of choice applies to only the buyers, not the sellers. Although buyers are free to make choices, the market has grown into an increasingly complex place. A consumer’s choice determines the success or failure of a good or service. The profit incentive is the desire to make a profit. This motivates entrepreneurs to establish new businesses, expand existing ones, and change the kinds of goods and services produced. The government has intervened in various areas of the economy to protect buyers. From a simple requirement  for companies to place warning labels on potentially dangerous products to regulating the prices that a company may charge, the government arbitrates in company dealings to help keep all consumers relatively satisfied and secure in their purchases. One of the most important characteristics of capitalism and free enterprise is the right to private property. That is, property not owned by federal, state, or local governments, but rather held by a person or persons. The right to all property-land, business, automobiles, and whatever else the person can afford-aids in the production of wealth and prosperity for all. According to the Constitution, the government has no power to seize private property unless payment is given to the individual. What are called the rights of property are the rights to risk investment and acquire new ways of producing while learning the benefits and downfalls of ownership. Among the economic goals of Americans are economic freedom, economic security, economic stability, and economic growth. To obtain these goals, individual opinions along with government decisions must fall into equilibrium. In order to have a well-functioning enterprise system, individuals are required to take on certain economic responsibilities. Such responsibilities include attempting to rise as a successful entrepreneur and obtaining the knowledge of possible government policies while analyzing the consequences of those policies. The United States illustrates the characteristics of a mixed economy by combining freedom of choice, the desire to make profit, and the right to property with government regulations.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Understanding Nutrition

Al-Quds University Body Fluid Lab. Report Chemical Examination of Urine Prepared By : Lucia Principles Benedict's Test for Reducing Sugars Urinary sugars when boiled in Benedict's reagent reduce copper  sulphate  to a reddish cuprous oxide precipitate in hot alkaline medium, the intensity of which is proportional to the amount of sugar present in the urine. The results are reported as 1+,2+, etc. depending upon the  colour  and intensity of the cuprous oxide precipitate. turbidimetric method protein in urine Quantitative Tests for 24-Hour Specimens. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) test.The addition of TCA to a urine specimen precipitates the protein in a fine suspension that is quantified spectrophotometrically at 420 nm (nanometers) by comparison with a similarly treated standard. Heat and acetic acid method Heat test: Based on the principle of heat coagulation and precipitation of proteins. If any turbidity appears, add 2 drops of 33% acetic acid. (Acidification is necessary because in alkaline medium heating may precipitate phosphates). If the precipitate is due to proteins, it will increase on acidification and if it is due to phosphates, it will dissolve again.Sulphosalicylic  acid method Urine Protein Sulfosalicylic Acid Precipitation Test (SSA) Principle: Three percent (3%) Sulfosalicylic Acid (SSA reagent) is added to a small and equal volume of clear urine. The acidification causes precipitation of protein in the sample (seen as increasing turbidity), which is subjectively graded as trace,1+, 2+, 3+ or 4+. Bence Jones protein Bence Jones reaction involves heating urine to 140 °F (60 °C). At this temperature, the Bence Jones proteins will clump. The clumping disappears if the urine is further heated to boiling and reappears when the urine is cooled.Other clumping procedures using salts, acids, and other chemicals are also used to detect these proteins. These types of test will reveal whether or not Bence Jones proteins are present, but not how much is present. Hemosiderin Hemosiderin stain is used to indicate the presence of iron storage granules called hemosiderin  by microscopic examination of urine sediment. Granules of hemosiderin stain blue when potassium ferrocyanide is added to the sample. The Prussian blue stain may also be used to identify siderocytes (iron-containing red blood cells [RBCs]) in peripheral blood.The presence of siderocytes in circulating RBCs is abnormal. Urobilinogen This test is based on a modified Ehrlich reaction in which p-diethylaminobenzaldehyde reacts with urobilinogen in a strongly acid medium. Colors range from light pink to bright magenta. Results * Benedict's Test result for cup # G3 : 4+ Brown color appear. * Turbidimetric method result for cup of 24-hrs urine: Tube| Absorbance| Test+test-blank| 0. 058| Standard+water blank| 0. 010| Calculation : Total protein (mg/dl)=At/Ast ? conc. St 0. 058/0. 010 ? 100=580 mg/dl Total protien(mg/24 hrs) =urine protein (mg/dl)? urine volume(ml )/100 = 580? 2000/100)=11600 mg /dl Normal values :0-150 mg/24 hrs * Heat and acetic acid method and Sulphosalicylic  acid method for cup # P4: 4+ precipitation appeared. * Bence Jones protein for cup # P4 : Clear after 15 min of boiling so negative for Bence Jones protein. * Hemosiderin results :Few Hemosiderin granules was seen under Microscope * Urobilinogen result for cup # G3:Negative result (no appearance of red color). Interpretation Benedict's Test for Reducing Sugars Normal urine does not contain any reducing sugar. If protein is present in large amounts, it may interfere with the precipitation of the cuprous oxide.To overcome this problem, precipitate the proteins using 3% SSA filter using a  Whatman  filter paper and use the filtrate to test the amount of sugar present. As a quality control measure, standards containing known amounts of glucose are prepared in saturated benzoic acid and one of the standards is used every day to check the reliability of the patientâ €™s results. The standard results may be transformed in the following semi-quantitative way. turbidimetric method protein in urine For turbidimetric methods, there were no apparent problems of comparative bias between human albumin and serum-based materials and urines used in this study.Perhaps this was because all materials were diluted in 9 g/L saline: turbidimetric methods generally suffer from failure of standards and samples to form precipitates identically,and precipitation may not occur at low protein concentrations in urines of high ionic strength. Heat and acetic acid method This test is sensitive enough to detect protein down to a concentration of 2-3 mg%. If  an alkaline  urine is boiled, the protein may be converted into the so- called â€Å"alkaline  metaprotein†, which is not coagulated by heat. Therefore it is always better to acidify the urine before doing this test.If too much acetic acid is added, the protein may be converted to the so-called †Å"acid  metaprotein†, which is also not coagulated by heat. Therefore the urine should be only mildly acidic. Sulphosalicylic  acid method The  sulphosalicylic  acid method will not detect protein in  a normal  urine, but will be sensitive enough to detect protein present down to 20mg%. As a quality control measure, a 22g/dl albumin solution can be diluted appropriately with 0. 9 g/dl sodium chloride to get standards containing 20, 50, 200, 500 and 2500 mg/dl proteins.These standards are stable for one month when stored at 2-80C. Bence Jones protein Monoclonal light chain proteinuria (Bence Jones proteinuria) is seen in patients with light chain myeloma, in approximately 50% of those with IgG and IgA myeloma, and in some patients with other lymphoproliferative disorders (eg, macroglobulinaemia) and plasma cell dyscrasias (amyloid). Entire paraprotein molecules may also be detected in serum. Urine protein dipsticks do not detect Bence-Jones protein. Hemosiderin Hemo siderin is present in diseases involving a true siderosis of kidney parenchyma (hemochromatosis).It is also present 2-3 days after an acute hemolytic episode that produces hemoglobinemia and hemoglobinuria. Hemosiderin granules are found in intact renal tubular epithelial cells or occasionally in casts and may also be seen extracellularly. Urobilinogen Interpretation of results will depend upon several factors: the variability of color perception; the presence or absence of inhibitory factors; the presence or absence of inhibitory factors typically found in urine, the specific gravity or the pH; and the lighting conditions under which the product is used.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Resistance Within The Iliad Helen s Agency Demolished

Helen On Brendan Shapiro Humanities Core 20 October 2015 Resistance Within the Iliad: Helen’s Agency Demolished The Iliad, an epic poem written by Homer, concerns a deadly war between Greek and Trojan mortals and immortals. Throughout the battle, the characters try to impose their will onto the war by expressing their own agency. Agency is a character’s ability to act on their own free will without any emotional or physical constraints stopping them. However, the characters do not always have the luxury of doing whatever they please. There are many factors that come into play that does not allow the them to act freely. In Book Three, we can see Helen, the prize of the Trojan war, having trouble expressing her own will. Helen challenges Aphrodite’s command when she tries to convince Helen to join Paris in his bedroom and Helen shames Paris when they finally meet. In this particular scene, lines 3.428 to 3.524, Helen is able to assert herself through speaking, but she still has no capability to act and must follow the or ders of Aphrodite and Paris. Helen’s verbal resistance against Aphrodite and Paris shows how the social hierarchy set within the Iliad limit mortal women from being able to act on their own accord. Since Helen is a mortal, she is already in a position under all of the gods. But, this does not stop her from mocking Aphrodite. From lines 3.460 to 3.485, Aphrodite appears before Helen, demanding her to go to Paris’ bedroom. Of course, Helen is enraged. She