Sunday, May 24, 2020

Reflective Essay Writing Skills - 945 Words

Reflective Essay This fall semester in ESL 91has been pretty interesting, and so far successful. The main object of this semester was to improve our essay writing. We were taught various lab techniques that helped us to improve our English writing skills, such as using appropriate verb tense and how to write a research paper with a works cited. Through my work on the research paper I have learned how to write in an academic style, how to find appropriate sources from an academic database, and how to cite my sources. Most of all, I can say that my reading skills have improved because the research for our papers required me to do a lot of critical reading. When I first started the class I was struggling a lot. Since English is my second language, I had many stressful moments that made me think about dropping my classes. But when I thought about my future, I just kept studying even harder, waiting for my performance to improve. As a result, I felt like every time I wrote an essay, it got easier, which tells me that I’m on the right path. In addition, this class has helped me improve my grammar, taught me an important life lesson about sticking on my goal and helped me to enhance my computer skills In the beginning of the class I had many problems with grammar and verb tense usage, primarily because my home country does not speak English even the alphabet is totally different. When I went to high school in Ethiopia, I never had to write an essay, or even a paragraph. Therefore,Show MoreRelatedReflective Essay on Writing Skills539 Words   |  2 PagesI always thought that my writing skills were pretty good until I started this class. It has been thirteen years since I graduated high school and I quickly realized that I had a lot of â€Å"refreshing† to do as far as writing papers. I actually felt very discouraged when I took the grammar test and did not score very well. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Supreme Court Cases on Separation of Church and State Clauses

The United States of America was founded on the basis of religious freedom. Judgment on the legality of the Separation of Church and State should not be based on one’s religion. The phrase â€Å"Separation of church and state† sometimes known as the â€Å"wall of separation between church and state,† is a phrase used by Thomas Jefferson in understanding the two clauses of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States: the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause. The Establishment Clause is prohibits the government fro making any laws dealing with religion. As the second clause, The Free Exercise Clause goes along with the Establishment clause stating that Congress cannot make any law pertaining to religion or a law that†¦show more content†¦The American education system is one of the main places of controversy for the Separation of Church and State. Almost every child in the United States attends some type of school, many of them public systems. In such a school setting, these children are often exposed to the beliefs of their teachers and administrators, as well as their own classmates. In Greece, New York, ever since 1999, the town board has begun their monthly gatherings with prayer. Rev. Lou Sirianni begins his gathering by stating: Be thou present, O God of wisdom, and direct the councils of this honorable assembly, the prayer ended, All this we ask in the name and through the merits of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Savior (Wolf 1). Recently in 2007, two residents who regularly attended board meetings, Susan Galloway and Linda Stephens, complained that the prayers were promoting more of a Christian community than any other religion (Masci 3). Although separation of church and state is stated briefly in the First Amendment, these two ladies had the right to go after the town for not allowing a freedom of religion and for most importantly throwing religion into a government owned school function. The cas e was brought to the Supreme Court in 2007 and is still under debate, with a result hopefully by the end of June 2014. The question is whether or not this prayer is allowed at a school function. Not everyone is willing to putShow MoreRelatedSepartion of Church and State Essay1246 Words   |  5 PagesConstitution of the United States was written to give citizens certain privileges and rights in the way of free thought and freedom. The Establishment Clause was one way that civilians were protecting religious liberty by the separation of church and state. Within our political and school systems there have been a number of controversial issues to include religious holidays, school prayer, teaching evolution and aid to church based schools. The Supreme Court has ruled in many cases in regards to theseRead MoreSeparation of Church and State685 Words   |  3 PagesThe United States of America was founded on the basis of religious freedom. 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Justice O’Connor concurred, that the Establishment Clause can prohibit in two principle ways and â€Å"One is excessive *688 entanglement with religious institutions, which may interfere with the independence of the institutions, give the institutions access to government or governmental powers not fully sharedRead MoreReligion and the United State Consitution1500 Words   |  6 PagesNo other independent enlightenment in the world allows individual independence to the United States of America. American courts, especially the Supreme Court, have improved a set of lawful policies that comprehensively shelter all types of the power of appearance. When it comes to appraising the level to which people take benefit of the occasion to convey believes, many members of cultur e can be accountable for misusing the boundary of the First Amendment through openly offending others through

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Examining Hydrogen Fuel Cells Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays

Hydrogen fuel cells are potentially the energy beginning of the hereafter. Due to its efficiency and low pollution H fuel cells are far better than conventional gasoline engines. With increasing gasoline monetary values and pressing environmental issues, a new feasible energy beginning is required such as the H fuel cell, ( Swain, D. We will write a custom essay sample on Examining Hydrogen Fuel Cells Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2007 ) . ( 5 ) A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that produces current by the transition of H and O into H2O, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) The first fuel cell was invented in 1839 by Sir William Grove. Fuel cells operate in a similar mode to a battery nevertheless they will continually bring forth heat and electricity if fuel is supplied, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) Fuel cells run on H. Hydrogen is the most common and simplistic gas. It is exceptionally light and produces the highest sum of energy per unit of weight of 52000 Btu/lb, which is three times that of gasolene, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) A H fuel cell is made up of two electrodes environing an electrolyte. Hydrogen passes over the anode of the cell and the free negatrons are conducted into the external circuit. ( 2 ) The O passes over the cathode. Electrons are conducted back from the external circuit to the accelerator where the H and O recombine to organize H2O. A proton exchange membrane is the electrolyte. If a polymer exchange mem brane is used this must be hydrated to stay stable functionality, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) A Pt accelerator must be used to help the reaction, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) The merchandises formed include H2O, heat and electricity. The two most promising fuel cells are the polymer exchange membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ) and the solid oxide fuel cell ( SOFC ) , ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) The PEM fuel cell is used for transit such as in powering vehicles. This fuel cell has a low operating temperature signifier 60 A ; deg ; C to 80 A ; deg ; C and a high operating denseness, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) The solid oxide fuel cells operate at really high temperatures of 700-1000 A ; deg ; C. This cell will be used in big scale power coevals such as in mills, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) One of the primary advantages of the H fuel cells is the low emanations, ( Swain, D. 2007 ) . ( 5 ) Gasoline powered autos emit pollutants such as SO2 and NO. Fuel cells rely on chemical science and non on burning which reduces emanations, ( Snyder, A. 2003 ) . ( 4 ) The lone gas released is H2O vapor. This reduces air pollution and combats planetary heating. ( 6 ) Hydrogen fuel cells are besides really effectual as they have the ability to covert fuel to energy from the minute of coevals. This eradicates multiple stairss and additions efficiency, ( Anonymous,2002 ) . ( 3 ) If pure H is used the H fuel cell can be 65 % efficient, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . If impure H utilized a reformist is required to alter the hydrocarbon into H which lowers the efficiency degree, nevertheless it is still far greater ( up to three times ) than a gasoline engine, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) ( Anonymous,2002 ) . ( 2 ) ( 3 ) Due to the fact that much energy is lost turning pumps and fans in gasoli ne vehicles the overall efficiency is really low of 20 % , ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) In add-on to this H fuel cells achieve the letter writer of 65 stat mis to the gallon doing them a feasible energy beginning, ( Anonymous,2002 ) . ( 3 ) The dependability of a H fuel cell is a major advantage. Whereas burning engines, such as gasoline engines, have many traveling parts that require care, the fuel cell has really few. ( 3 ) This will cut down care costs and increase dependability. In add-on to this a fuel cell will non travel dead ( as batteries do ) if there is a changeless flow of chemicals into the cell, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) Although ab initio production costs would be high for H fuel cells this will diminish and mass production costs will go low because of the simple building of the cell. ( 3 ) Equally good as this the H fuel cell is safe. Unlike gasoline, H will non do environmental jeopardies such as spillages. Similar to petrol H will fire when lit nevertheless it merely becomes explosive when stored up in an enclosed country, which is improbable as H disperses easy, ( Anonymous,2002 ) 3. ( 3 ) This makes H fuel cells a safe option. Hydrogen can be produced from coal, natural gas and oil. Since these militias are being depleted it is a great adventage that H for the fuel cells can be produced from biomass, sunshine and H2O, ( Swain, D. 2007 ) . ( 5 ) There are many beginnings of H on Earth. Hydrogen is found combined with other elements, chiefly C and O, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) However it can be easy extracted and used to do the ultimate clean and efficient energy beginning, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) Like all fuels and signifiers of energy H fuel cells have their disadvantages. One of the largest disadvantages of H fuel cells is that presently they are really expensive, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) ( Snyder, A. 2003 ) . ( 2 ) ( 4 ) Many of the constituents that make up a H fuel cell such as the Pt accelerator and proton exchange membrane are dearly-won, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) This would hold to diminish mostly to be economically feasible. Once this has decreased, for illustration by utilizing an alternate accelerator, mass production costs will diminish, ( Snyder, A. 2003 ) . ( 4 ) The production costs of H besides pose a disadvantage. Most H comes from coal, natural gas and oil. The pollution caused by the production of H from these resources is similar to the sum of that of gasoline engines, ( Snyder, A. 2003 ) . ( 4 ) Hydrogen can be produced by sunshine and air current to power electrolysis which does non make any pollution nevertheless this is excessively expensi ve to use extensively, ( Snyder, A. 2003 ) . ( 4 ) Another job with H fuel cells arise with storage. Due to the fact that H is such a light gas and disperses easy it is really hard to hive away a big sum in a confined country, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) The challenge posed is for applied scientists to fit the 300-mile vehicle scope. However this is non impossible as it has been done in some recent vehicles, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) Research workers are besides coming up with new ways of hive awaying the H such the usage of H armored combat vehicles and metal loanblends, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) For H fuel cells to go feasible a PEMFC membrane must be developed that can run in high temperatures ( 100 A ; deg ; C ) every bit good as bomber zero temperatures, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) PEMFC membranes are hydrated to reassign H protons nevertheless at temperatures greater than 80 A ; deg ; C the hydration is lost. These high temperatures are of import as the fuel cell will hold an increased tolerance to drosss. ( 2 ) Fuel cells must stay stable where every bit presently when the vehicle is turned on or off or temperatures are high the membrane tends to degrade, ( Nice, K, Strickland, J. ) . ( 2 ) Further research is required to battle this. In add-on to this exchanging to hydrogen fuel would necessitate an accommodation of substructure where H fuel Stationss, grapevines and distribution channels are required, ( Snyder, A. 2003 ) . ( 4 ) This is possible nevertheless it will take many old ages and money to construct, ( Snyder, A. 2003 ) . ( 4 ) Like all fuels hydrogen fuel cells do hold disadvantages nevertheless many of these can be combated with farther research and over clip, ( Anonymous ) . ( 1 ) Presently hydrogen fuel cells are non a feasible beginning of energy nevertheless due to their low emanations, high efficiency and many other advantages they have the possible to in the hereafter go a feasible energy beginning that is more effectual than gasoline engines. How to cite Examining Hydrogen Fuel Cells Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Raven Essay Research Paper Writers Comments free essay sample

The Raven Essay, Research Paper Writer`s Remarks: An? ? ? ? ysis of the Corvus corax Body: the raven description: an ysis of the Corvus corax bodyThe Raven Topic: The Raven is about how the writer is haunted by his heartache of the of his lover, Lenore. Subject: The prematurely of a beautiful adult female. Sense: I think that the whole verse form is about the of a beautiful adult female. It seems to me that the Corvus corax symbolizes the heartache he has for his lost love, Lenore. Once he allow the Corvus corax in it tormented his psyche everlastingly. I think the ground why the Corvus corax keeps stating never again is because he knows that Lenore is neer coming back. The verse form is fundamentally that the bird is a sad and ceaseless recollection of his lost love, Lenore. The author seems to believe that he will neer bury his lover because she will ever populate in his head forever. We will write a custom essay sample on The Raven Essay Research Paper Writers Comments or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Drumhead: During a cold, dark eventide in December, a adult male is trying to happen some contentment from the recollection of his lost love, Lenore, by reading volumes of # 8220 ; forgotten lore. # 8221 ; Just as he is about to fall asleep, something knocks at his door. First he thought that the knock was merely a consequence of his dreaming, so eventually he opens the door, but there is no 1 at that place. He looks out the door scared and funny, when he goes to talk he can merely state the word # 8220 ; Lenore. # 8221 ; When he closes the door, another knock is instantly heard on the window. He throws open the shutter and window, and in stairss a big, beautiful Corvus corax, which instantly posts itself on the flop of Pallas Athena, the Greek of wisdom, above the entryway of the room. He asks its name, and the bird replies # 8220 ; Nevermore. # 8221 ; Believing # 8220 ; Nevermore # 8221 ; to be the raven # 8217 ; s name, he is funny, but he believes the name International Relations and Security Network # 8217 ; t relevant to his inquiry, because he has neer heard of any adult male or animate being called by that name. Although the bird is peaceable, the storyteller murmurs to himself that it, like all other approvals of his life, will shortly go forth him. Again the bird replies # 8220 ; Nevermore. # 8221 ; Intrigued, he pulls a chair up straight before the bird to more readily direct H is attending to the Corvus corax, and to calculate out the significance of the bird # 8217 ; s answer. While he thinks in the chair, he starts to believe of Lenore. Suddenly overcome with heartache, he believes that the Corvus corax is from God, who intends to assist him acquire rid of his heartache, but once more the bird replies # 8220 ; nevermore # 8221 ; . The talker so thinks the bird is non what it seems, naming it a # 8220 ; thing of immorality, # 8221 ; and asks it whether there is # 8220 ; balm in Gilead, # 8221 ; a scriptural mention to a land with enduring. Again, the word # 8220 ; nevermore # 8221 ; is the lone reply. He demands that the bird leave, he attempts to direct the bird back to the # 8220 ; Plutonian shore # 8221 ; of Hell from where it came. The bird, answers once more # 8220 ; nevermore, # 8221 ; and sits at that place on the flop of Pallas to this twenty-four hours, to torture the talker # 8217 ; s psyche everlastingly, about his lost love. Purpose: The verse form was likely written because the poet has really gone through similar experiences. Possibly Poe was composing about his married woman Virginia that died. Tone: The poet is really sad about the loss of his lover, Lenore, the poet wants to bury about her but he can # 8217 ; T because he loved her so profoundly. Structure: The verse form is a metaphor verse form. The Corvus corax is being compared to the heartache of his lost lover, Lenore. The poet is giving you an image of a adult male sitting in his house being tormented by the Corvus corax that symbolizes the heartache of his lost love, Lenore. Equally much as the poet wants to bury about his doomed lover he can # 8217 ; T because he loved her so profoundly. When Poe was building this verse form he made it so it had a really distinguishable rhyming construction. He breaks the verse form into subdivisions kind of like of all time subdivision is its ain single verse form. In the center of the first line where you would usually stop it he has a word th at rhymes with the last word of that line. Then he breaks his form by adding a new line that the last word rimes with, two lines subsequently. The 3rd line corresponds with the first. However, the last subdivision was rather different from the remainder. The 5th line doesn # 8217 ; t rime but continues into the 6th line that rhymes with the 2nd and 4th.